
You are here: » Galicia » Panton

The municipality of Pantón is situated in the Ribeira Sacra, a area of natural beauty in a mountainous district, watered by the rivers Miño, Cabe and Sil River. The Ribeira Sacra is a popular vacation destination of Spaniards although more foreign tourists discover not only the Ribeira Sacra but also Galicia.

The townhall of the municipality Panton. Here you can go for all your questions about licenses for restoring your house, which sometimes are very confusing for us as foreigners. The building also hosts the medical facilities for Panton with 4 doctors attending and a nurse for chancing bandage, administer drugs and vaccinations (if necessary). There is also a social worker available and a Peace Judge for smaller local problems.

The cloister in Panton is a real attraction and a popular item for visitors to go to. The nuns make coconut macaroons and other crafts which they sell. You cannot visit the complete cloister because there are still nuns living there. But the chapel is open for visiting. If your in to old catholic stuff this is the place to go.

Vilar de Ortelle is one of 26 parishes of the municipality Pantón and it's history goes back to the 11th century when Vilar the Ortelle is mentioned for the first time in official documents.

Vilar de Ortelle consists of 20 hamlets and is divided in 3 geographical areas:
1. La Ribera: a Míllara, Valboa, Rubiás, Lagariza, Maiorga
2. La Montaña: San Romau, Cirdeiro, a Morá, os Ramos, Vilar, o Outeiro, a Eirexe, a Casanova, as Penelas, Rechelo, o Batán, o Requeiro, as Areas, Amboade
3. Ribera-Montaña: Marce

You might think "WOW, so many vilages lots of people must live here".... quite the opposite. The formidable population figure for the whole of Pantón (143,24 km²;) is 2.674 inhabitants. The population density is 18,91 inhabitants per square kilometre. To give you an idea, the population density for Amsterdam (166 km²;) is 4.926 inhabitants per square kilometre.

Like we said before, nice and quiet!

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