Monforte de Lemos
Monforte de Lemos is the nearest "big" city. It covers an area of 200 km² and lies about 10 km from our home. It has a population of about 18 to 19.000. The city has a hospital and from personal experience we can say it is a good hospital with a good and well trained medical staff. Doctors and nurses are helpful and friendly. The hospital itself is in constant maintenance and reconstruction. Initial plans were to close the hospital but the Corona crisis showed that that was a very, very bad idea.
In Monforte are also the bigger and better supermarkets like LIDL, Mercadona, DIA and Gadiz present with a good spread of products. Monforte is working hard to become a more prominent city in the Ribeira Sacra and is successful in it's strategy. The latest years have shown that the amount of tourist has tripled in the region of Monforte de Lemos.
One of the main attractions is the mediaeval festivities. Below an impression.
In Monforte you can find bars, clubs and restaurants. Sport facilities and clubs. There is enough for a social live. But, warning... it helps if you speak Spanish. Don't expect people here to speak English, German, French or what ever language. So make sure that your Spanish is up to date, it helps. But don't let that stop you if your Spanish is not up to date. People will help you getting your Spanish up to date soon.