Tiesca´s 15th birthday

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Margot Saturday, 18. February 2023 from Margot

Tiesca´s 15th birthday

Tiesca turns 15 today! For such a big dog that is very, very old, somewhere between 80 and 90 in human years.

Tiesca, 15 and still destroying a cartboard box, just for the fun of it...

Tiesca, 15 and still destroying a cartboard box, just for the fun of it...

We got her when she was 7 weeks old, screaming and shouting. From the early days onward, she has always done what she wanted, but she loves to be with us and “work” with us. Though the “work” has been quit less the last few years, she is “retired” after all. She still enjoys every moment of every day, she loves to eat, cuddle, sleep and play.

When we got her the house was a ruin, we only lived here for a couple of weeks, and she also has seen the house grow into a “home”, with of course a place to call her own. She has been trough a lot over the years: several trips to the Netherlands (she loves to travel), several operations of which the last one in November last year, she helped raise Sara and is now helping raise Sina, eating food from all over the world (her absolute favourite is the Dutch blood-sausage), playing, playing, playing and of course just being there for us. She senses our moods like no other, and always finds a way to offer comfort to us.

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