Inhouse hospital

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Margot Friday, 9. December 2022 from Margot

Inhouse Hospital

I have not blogged for a while, simply because life went on and there was not much to tell.

But in the meantime Herman is waiting for a call from the hospital in Lugo because he has to have a small operation (he has been on the waiting list for over a 100 days). Tiesca has had her 5th operation because this time she had a very fast growing cancer in her belly. She is recuperating and is a happy dog with lots of energy as always. Sara sprained her paw which means she walks around on 3 paws and is in need of a lot of extra attention.
This means that our house is sort of an inhouse hospital at the moment. Herman has to keep very calm, Tiesca needs medication and wears a t-shirt so she can not touch her wound and Sara is limping around.

And like everybody we are preparing for the holidays. The Christmas decorations are up, the Christmas cards have been sent and because we have had two Spanisch national holidays this week (the 6th & 8th) we are definitely already in the holiday mood. This year because of the circumstances we are enjoying the peace and quietness of our small village, but next year we will definitely go out to enjoy the Christmas decorations they have put up, like for example in Vigo:

By the way, the first stork has already arrived in Panton. In the village of Ferreira (de Panton) every year there there lives and nests a small colony from December- January until August, but apparently they are very early this year.
Yesterday, when I was in the village, I saw the first stork and immediately took a picture for the blog. Ever since I was a child it always made my day to see a stork and it still does.

© Herman and Margot 2022

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