How can a light that burned so brightly suddenly burn so pale? Love you always.

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Margot Friday, 28. June 2024 from Margot

How can a light that burned so brightly suddenly burn so pale? Love you always.

Sixteen years, four months and ten days. Tiesca was very, very old.

We emigrated to Spain in January 2008, she was born in February that same year and we got her when she was 5 weeks old. From the first day onward she has always been a very happy dog, enjoying every minute of every day. And she has been trough a lot with us. 

Through the years we´ve made several long trips to the Netherlands with her. She definitely noticed that the people there talked the same language as we do, that she could understand what they were saying (unlike at home in Spain).  She sailed on a ferry and visited a castle. We stayed with my parents and my mother spoiled her with sandwiches every morning. Hermans favourite aunt spoiled her with lots of sausage and cheese.

In 2008, when we got her,  we were at the beginning of rebuilding the house. When she got older the house became more completed and she loved it. She told us where she wanted her baskets and where she wanted to sleep, so she could always see us and be in our presence.  She saw the house grow into a home and she always has enjoyed her home and her garden very much.

When she got older, she became more and more of a personality. She knew a lot of people, and everybody that knew her loved her, she was a real people-dog. She loved to eat, especially her evening meals (home-cooked meat, rice and vegetables). Every evening after her meal, she jumped on the bed and with her belly and paws in the air she barked a whole concert, letting us know that she was very happy. Every Saturday at at three o'clock in the afternoon she told us it was time for her pigs-ear. We had lots of fun with her. But she was also a big support in our bad times, she sensed our moods perfectly and was there for us when we needed comfort.

Over the years she had five operations for cancer. She  had vestibular syndrome twice. This is a neurological attack; in 2022 with the first one she was totally lamed for several days, and it took months to recover completely, A year later she had another attack, this time not as severe. She also has had had quite a few minor health problems.
She gained every battle, she never gave up.  In the last two years she became really elderly, in human years she was a hundred-plus.  But she still enjoyed everything  and we were sure she got the most out of life.
But she lost the last battle, just like everyone does in the end. The house has never been without her. It doesn´t feel empty because Sara and Sina are with us, but it definitely feels different.
Farewell Tiesca, it has been a privilege having  you in our lives all these years. We miss you dearly and we will always love you.

© Herman and Margot 2022

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