House for Sale
House for sale
House for sale .....You can read it on the sign.....House for sale.....It was yours and it was mine.....
Our house has had a “for sale” sign for about five years. We wanted to explore some other options and we thought it would have been nice to live somewhere in a smaller house preferably on the ground floor somewhat like a bungalow (since we are getting older), and less land than we have now.
The first couple that came to look at out house immediately wanted to buy it, but unfortunately it did not work out for them. Over the years quit a few other people came to have a look.
In the meantime we were checking out other houses in the neighbourhood. Since we did not want to leave Pantón because we love it here, it limited our options. It was very difficult: either an expensive house that was ready to move in, or a cheap house which we had to restore (again).
So we were still in doubt and in the meantime the scale was slowly tipping towards “stay!”.
Last week another person came to have a look at our house and he immediately wanted to buy it. He saw it and he immediately loved it.
So…..there we were….what to do???? After a good night sleep (or rather without any sleep) we decided to put our moving plans on hold, probably until hell freezes over….