Fiestas, Siestas y Vacanciones....and a tomato

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Margot Thursday, 15. August 2024 from Margot

Fiestas, Siestas y Vacaciones...(and a tomato)

Or: “Festivals, Afternoon naps, and Holidays”. I think we can all agree that it sounds much better in Spanisch. (And I´ll tell you about the tomato at the end of the story)

August 15th, this year a Thursday, is a bank holiday in Spain. It is the day of the “Assumption of Mary (Asunción de la Virgen)”. And because it is a Thursday, everybody takes the next day off work, this is called a “Puente” (bridge) which makes it a 4-day) weekend. The weather forecast for the next four days and next week is fantastic, with day temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius and night temperatures of around 15 degrees Celsius. Perfect temperatures for vacation and relaxation.
I do not know how it works in the rest of Spain, but in Galicia during the month of August every town has his own fair. And I can tell you that a fair here in Galicia is absolutely nothing like a fair in the Netherlands. Yes, there is a merry-go-round and all kind of fairground attractions like in the Netherlands, but there are also a lot of activities organised by the town council, which makes it a fantastic feast. The one in O´Saviñao (our neighbour-village) is famous throughout a big part of Spain with its annual donkey-race on Tuesday-morning.

This weekend is extra special because the Ascension of Mary is of course not always on a Thursday like this year. The newspaper even published an extensive list of festivities. If you would visit four separate places in one day those four days on a row, you might have seen half of all the festivities by Sunday ay evening.

In our vicinity the fair in O´Saviñao just ended, the one in Monforte de Lemos continues until tomorrow, and the fair in Panton starts next Sunday.

But...we enjoy ourselves at home. After all, we finally have our first tomato of the year!!!!
I´ve planted the tomato plants the first week of June (after the rains ended) in big flower boxes on our patio. Because the weather has been unstable, the plants do not really want to grow. Normally, after about 15 weeks they would be about a meter or bigger with lots of branches and tomatoes. This year the plants are about 40 centimetres in hight, just a twig with almost no branches. Of the 12 plants only one has produced one tomato......

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