Best wishes for 2023!

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Margot Sunday, 1. January 2023 from Margot

Best wishes for 2023!

Happiness, Love, Health and all the best the New Year! 2022 Was a pretty good year for us. We were able to finish a number of "small but long lasting projects" and make a start with new things and a new family member....

One of those new things took place on one of the last days of 2022, on December 27th we added a new puppy to our family.
She is a crossbreed between a Beagle and a Border Collie. Her name is Sina at the vet she weight 6.9 kilos, And of course she is full of mishief.
Sara is crazy about her, Tiesca is an old granny who watches and occasionally sniffs. We will see. At least we have our hands full for now!

This year will be a special year for us, we have several anniversaries to celebrate, the most important one in May.Of course we will keep you informed!

© Herman and Margot 2022

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