An unwanted visitor

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Margot Sunday, 4. August 2024 from Margot

An unwanted visitor

It was very snaky….

I was outside watering the flowers on our patio and Sina was in the backyard barking in an odd way, like she found something unusual. So of course I immediately went to have a look and I did not have to go too far.
In the entrance of our backyard there was something long and silvery writhing, it looked like a very long snake. I called Sina and got her inside the house, because it probably would be a viper and they are poisonous.
By the time I got back into the yard, the viper was gone and apparently had just shed his skin. As you can see it was very long, somewhere between 80 centimeters and a meter. so it must have been a fulllgrown viper.
Unbelieveable, we don´t even have to leave home to experience an adventure.

© Herman and Margot 2022

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